August 11, 2009

real eyes, realize, real lies.

I swore to you i wouldnt lie.
I lied again, i dont know why.
It's a habbit i cant break.
Instead i broke your heart.
I understand if you can never speak to me again,
I lied, yes.
But i didnt lie about not loving you, i'm sorry. i dont.
Im done with lying, this time its true.
Why else would i post it for the world to see?
I promise never to lie.
I will neer lie again.
I promise you.

July 01, 2009

these cities are just as pretty when it rains.

people ask me, where do you want to be in life?
i want to be standing in the pooring rain in the middle of the street, in toronto.
i want to be standing on the top of a building in the sunshine, in Paris.
i want to be walking along the most beautiful coast , in Hawaii.
i want to walk across the brooklyn bridge, in Brooklyn, NY.
i want to run down a street, in Venice.
i want to party in tokyo, and snowboard in switzerland.

i want to wakeup in Vegas, and get tattooed in L.A.

i want to stand in the middle of a city with the flashing lights, taking pictures to capture the moment.

April 28, 2009

Sunny with a kay.

Have you ever tried to change something?
an imovable, unchangeable object.
something you give up on, because you know theres no hope.
You've tried everything to change it, or even have a impact on it, inspire, create, motivate, anything,
when you see it start to fail, you feel like you fail.
Sure i love who ive become.
But i want it to be me.
It's not as flattering as it may seem, when you see that someone you've tried to help, you've tried to help motivate, inspire...
to see them fail.
This post isnt exactly thought out, its not anything special.
Only straight from the heart.
I like who i am.
But i want that to be me
SHE IS COPYING ME! i swear to god.
I dont like it, i want it to stop.
im tired of seeing myself, is someone else. Words cant explain it, its a thrill, but a madd hatee.
Its sweet, and makes you proud to know you've impacted someone.
But you hate it cause they are steeling everything you do.
Maybe i sound imature, stupid, unrealistic.
I think i've just created, a monster.